Monday, October 1, 2012


Alright, so a major part of my life is the fact that I absolutely love movies. Whether it be western, crime, classic or comedy, I have no care; I'll probably watch it. My favorite movies are ones you can look back on and remember at least one line that is life-defining. Something you'll remember for the rest of you life that reminds you of what it means to be living.
Over the past 2 years, I've seen probably over 400 movies and they were all amazing (except for Fargo. Why do people like that movie?). Some I don't remember well and others I could never forget. When I watch movies, it's like leaving my mind and becoming a spectator of a whole new life. A good movie can turn a crummy day into a pretty exciting one. The excitement and depression from these movies are easily overlooked by the average person watching a movie on a Saturday night. I pay attention and I try to find answers. I'm trying to change my perspective to how the people in movies would live their lives.
Drama is the most entertaining to me, but they aren't the only movies with a message. Disney does a great job producing movies that portray a broad view of life. They can represent childhood, innocence and what it's like to grow up through animals and fantastical objects. This is part of the reason why I like Disney so much. They are not a greedy film company looking for a few extra bucks by releasing a terrible movie to consumers. There is a purpose behind every line and every action in a movie. Almost all of their movies are quality films that will be remembered from decade to decade.
Also, great movies are defined by the directors and actors/actresses in them. Steven Spielberg is one of the greatest directors on earth. Most of his movies are my favorites. Kevin Spacey is a fantastic actor (voice of Hopper in A Bug's Life, The Usual Suspects). Even simple movies like Never Back Down with no-name actors can leave a lasting effect based on the overall message trying to be portrayed.
Although movies take a while to watch, I think they are all worth a chance. Just watch a trailer! Heck, read a book. It'll be better than any movie you watch, but it takes a heck of a lot longer to complete.

*movies that changed my life
The Deer Hunter
Into the Wild
The Shawshank Redemption
Forrest Gump
Schindler's List
It's A Wonderful Life
A Christmas Story
Finding Nemo
The Lion King
And many, many, many more!

Name a movie and there's a 70% chance I've seen it. Do it.
Between movies, math and money, I'm set for life!

~These aren't the only movies I watch. I'll keep you posted.

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