Friday, July 27, 2012


   Could it be possible that there are ghosts here in this world? That they are forever haunting houses and places of interest on land and on sea? I myself am a believer because I have experienced a close encounter with one. Now, prior to this event, I had been exposed to ghost stories. I loved reading them but they were nothing like what I had experienced that night when I was seven...
   One night when I was little and watching Lord of the Rings with my parents, I decided to call it a night and headed upstairs to my bed. I slept in the same room as my brother and we had bunk-beds; I had the top. When I reached to turn on my light when I walked in, nothing happened, so I figured the light bulb burnt out. I shrugged it off and climbed up to my bunk in the pitch black darkness. Finally settled in, I felt something brush my leg. It froze me in terror when it happened but I tried convincing myself it was just the cat, even though my cats didn't like sleeping with me then (6ft high bunk bed just isn't the place for them). Then, as I tried to close my eyes and fall asleep, right next to my face I heard something say "YOU'RE MY PRECIOUS" kind of like Gollum would say in LotR and this was enough to scare the wits out of me. I jumped (fell) out of my bunk bed (probably sprained my ankle) and the next thing I knew I was downstairs next to my parents explaining to them what happened, out of breath. They thought I was ridiculous but I forced them to let me sleep in their bed.
   Okay, I'm not a very courageous person but even Stone Cold Steve Austin would have cried if he had to sleep alone that night. See, ghosts do exist. If they don't, why do we have thousands of TV shows and documentaries that claim that they do? They gather proof that ghosts exist! 
   So real question here is, WHY are the ghosts here haunting us? Could it be that they are loved ones trying to help us? Or bitter rich men who tried to buy their way out of death, but could never fully come back to the real world? Or babies who were never born but grew up in the shadow world, and now are full grown up ghosts getting their revenge? The things I can think of... 
   Even if what I experienced was not true and I had falsely lived in fear every moment since, I do wish that ghosts are real because that adds another dimension to what we think life is. If anyone could prove its existence with cold hard facts, it would probably consist of two parts, science and religion. Two ideas that have never gotten along with each other. Go science! Still rooting for you, and I think we are winning. Now it's time for the science quote of the day to remind us why we have religion in our lives:

"The more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless."
-Steven Weinberg

~This is not the only thing I worry about, nor wonder about. I'll keep you posted.

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