Wednesday, July 25, 2012


   Remember back in the day when you received something, anything, in the mail and it had your name on it? And the special letters that addressed you as Mr./Ms.? THAT WAS THE COOLEST! No matter who the letter was from or what the contents were inside, you could not wait to open it. 
   I know for a fact that I am still this way. No matter what college sends me letters or what bank wants me to set up a credit card, I will be sure to open it. It's a shame that others are not like this anymore though. My parents, for example, throw out mail without showing the slightest interest in seeing what's inside.
   So why is it that adults have lost their love for opening mail over the course of their lifetime? Could it be that they no longer want surprises in their lives? That is a shame in my opinion. It's a shame that through 'growing up' we forget who we are, who we were. 
   I hope I never become this way. I vow to always open my mail, no matter how menial the task becomes. I am still waiting for the day that I get a surprise letter that looks like it should be thrown out but I open it and inside I find a thousand dollar bill. That would be glorious. 
   So the next time you throw out a letter without opening it, ask yourself whether or not you could live with yourself if there had been a little present inside for you. You could be throwing out millions of dollars in inheritance from a long lost uncle who disguised his will as a letter from American Express offering .02% interest for 5 years. Remember, remember.

~This is not the only thing I wonder about. I'll keep you posted.

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