Monday, July 23, 2012


   Why do we all need sleep? I mean, every single person needs it and without it, we feel groggy and dopey, but WHY do we need it? What exactly does sleeping do? Has anyone even done research into this? How can you even research this?!?
   I am one who loves sleep. I think it's my super comfortable bed. But I only love sleep in the morning. At night, I could really care less about sleeping. So a good night of sleep consists of 8 hours of undisturbed rest. Any more than that will leave me feeling more tired so I sleep even longer. Any less than that will be painful trying to wake up so I go back to sleep for 5 more hours. Who is the genius that tried waking up at different times every day until he found the exact time that will you make you feel great all day (8 hours)? 
   I read in the ever-so-truthful Bathroom Reader that as you get older, your body needs more rest to recover from a day of work/activity. But it seems as though as we get older, we get less and less sleep. WTH THIS MAKES NO SENSE. Of course we have school at like 7:30 in the morning which is earlier than middle school which is even earlier than elementary school (I never went to preschool so I cannot vouch for those times). And work is early, too, especially for people who have to commute!
   Why can't we just stay awake forever. So many things could get accomplished! More bridges would be built, there would be more jobs, no more world hunger, world peace would exist, and there would be cities in the sky! If you don't fall asleep, all of your wildest dreams will come true (Napoleon Dynamite reference). At least once in your life, pull an all-nighter. It's worth it. But not more than a few times. Then it's unhealthy. And you should probably see a doctor. Okay.
   I have to go. Gotta get some sleep. 

~These are not the only things I wonder about. I'll keep you posted.

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