Saturday, July 21, 2012


How different are we from one another? We may all have separate interests in life, but the way we perceive things must have some sort of similarity. For as long as I can remember, I always believed that two people could love colors such as orange and green but they are just perceived differently... meaning that one person sees orange and the other person (who is actually seeing the orange that the other person sees) thinks it is green. Maybe this has always been the reason why people like some things more than others. We perceive different things in the same way that attracts us to them. But then I came to realize that we would have a green sun and my idea went to boot. That was confusing.

ALSO why can some people do things like math better than others? I always hear people saying that they 'were born with the talent', or on the other hand that they 'never understood it'. Being born with a talent makes no sense to me. I feel like this is implying that they would be great or bad at something no matter what without any practice. The only way someone gets good at something is due to dedication and practice. Children who are supposed to be 'phenoms' are taught math somehow... they don't just come out of the womb one day and start talking about String Theory. There must be some learning involved in the process. Maybe forced learning from the parents at an early age or a die-hard dedication to research. In my honest opinion, if you say you are bad at math, I would bet my bottom dollar you never tried hard in the subject at a young age.

WHY do people like to walk around at 1 in the morning and talk really loud.

HOW THE HECK do computers work. I mean, computers are extremely fascinating to me and I would love to learn more about them but where am I supposed to start? Heck, things like submarines are just as confusing. Like there are so many pipes going up and down all around... If I broke one, would anything even happen to it? PROBABLY NOT. My guess is that they are there for show. Anyways, computers. Even the computer chips... just the chips... how is it possible for a person to make one of them? Who even thought of them? They are genius inventions! Really hope I learn this one day.

WHY DO WE HAVE GRASS IF WE'RE JUST GOING TO CUT IT EVERY WEEK. I mean, we could have invented something by now that has the same effects on soil and plant growth that grass does so why keep it up? And cutting it is such a pain. It gets in the way of everyone's busy schedule and not one person thinks twice about how RIDICULOUS IT IS for EVERY SINGLE PERSON all across the NATION to be keeping up the image of their home by cutting grass. There are some benefits like capturing carbon in the air and thus purifying the air we breath, but some people who have old fuel mowers are adding gases to the air while cutting grass anyway! Now I'm not saying that we should get rid of all grass yards, I mean, I think they look nice and American. I just believe that the idea behind them is stupid, okay?

~These are not the only things I wonder about. I'll keep you posted.

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